
Photos: Lady alleges that her little sister was physically abused in school by a male teacher

Facebook User - Olawoore Mariam Olufunmi shared a post two day ago on Facebook, describing how a male teacher at a school in Ifo, Ogun State 'spanked' her little sister. When the girl complained and reported to her parents, another male teacher who's friends with the said teacher, roughly beat and injured her. Mariam went to the school to report and confront the teacher on behalf of her sister, but they argued, exchanging words and she claimed he made an attempt to also hit her. Read what she wrote after the cut...

"There's this teacher in my little sister school called master chidi. During last term, my sister complained he spanked her.. We thought maybe it was a mistake not until yesterday that my sister complained about same thing. Mum was so angry that she wanted to follow her to school, I had to calm her down that she should let me handle the issue. I had to request for few hours from work, on getting there, I was not allowed to see their principal, I saw the so called "master chidi" and he couldn't deny it. We exchanged words and he almost hit me. The principal came outside, took me to his office and apologized that they are going to take necessary actions. I thanked him and left.. About 4:30pm, mum called me that my sister has been beaten by one of their teachers who happened to be master chidi's friend. His reason was why can't my sister tell him before going ahead to tell her mum. Can you imagine that? The school's name is ACCESS MODEL COLLEGE IFO, OGUN STATE.."
Mariam has however given updates on the issue today. According to her, 
'the matter is now at Ifo police station. The male teacher ran away when we got to the school with police to arrest him'. Also there are indications that her little sister was not the only one that was abused by the teacher.